Monthly Archives: June 2009

Things Jesus NEVER Said…

So I’ve been away from my blog for a while (lots of driving and serving out of town). But while I’ve been away, I have done a lot of reading in the Gospels to see what Jesus says in order to learn what he is now saying to me.

While there is obviously A LOT he does say, I started to notice some of things he NEVER says but that we unfortunately all too often hear in our churches.

So here is a Top 10 List of Things Jesus Never Said…

10. “I Can’t…”

9. “I Won’t…”

8. “I’m Too Tired…”

7. “I Don’t Get Paid To…”

6. “It Doesn’t Really Matter…”

5. “Ask Me Next Month…”

4. “Ask Me Next Year…”

3. “I Worked All Week…”

2. “It’s Just Too Early To Get Up…”

1. “I Quit…”

Thank GOD Jesus NEVER said, “Now that’s just asking WAY TOO MUCH.” So why do we as His Church, the people He DIED for, dare say these things back to Him. Maybe it’s because we aren’t nearly as souled out Him as He is to us.

And may God have mercy on our souls when we dare offer ourselves as more important than His Church and His Kingdom. When we look at Jesus and the assignment he endured, how could we ever think our petty excuses hold any merit?

So what is it Jesus is asking you to do that perhaps you need to put the excuses aside and just obey him? Because we can always serve him EVEN MORE!!